Desk360 Help Center

Faster solutions and fewer support requests with Desk360 Help Center!

A customer with a question to ask might be reluctant to get in touch with you. Desk360’s highly customizable help center integration lets you create FAQ pages for the customers who just want to solve their problems.

Show your customers that you understand their needs

Show your customers that you understand their needs

Create FAQ pages in line with what your customers need, and enable them to find answers to the most common questions. This Q&A content about your business allows you to focus on what your customers need the most and analyze what areas they request help for the most.

Let your customers know that you value their time

Let your customers know that you value their time

Your customers may have problems with your business, ask different questions, or simply want to leave valuable feedback. Build a helpdesk where all content is listed on one page and give them the answers they need as quickly as possible.

24/7 Support

Build an easy-to-use helpdesk that’s just right for your company image and continue to provide support even when your agents are offline.

A One-Stop-Shop Solution

Expedite your support process by creating FAQ pages for your customers and let them find answers to their most commonly asked questions with a single click.

Custom Designed Pages

You decide on the look and feel of your help center pages without writing a single line of code and let it reflect your brand image with your logo and colors.

Knowledge shared is knowledge squared

Speak the language of your customers

Speak the language of your customers

Create Help Center content in 40 languages and provide support to your customers almost anywhere in the world and enrich their support experience with visuals and videos.

Highlight The Most Important Content

Highlight the most important content

No need to use all the content on the homepage. Determine what content you want to highlight and change the order of appearance according to popularity.

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